Working Papers

State Mobilization and Political Attitudes: The Legacy of Maoist Rural Resettlement in Contemporary China.” (with Alexander Lee and Weihong Qi). Conditionally Accepted at the Political Science Research and Methods.

Rationalizing Self-Interest in Policy Attitudes: Evidence from Beijing’s License Plate Lottery.

When an Authoritarian Audience Does Not Rally around the Flag: Evidence from the Hainan Island Incident.”

Does Intergroup Contact Reduce Affective Polarization? A Natural Experiment.”

Blame Attribution in Authoritarianism: The Public's Response to Three Safety Crises in China.

Work in Progress

“The Inertia of Loyalty: An Identity Explanation of Co-optation.”

“Contact Does Not Affect Immigration Attitudes on Campus: Evidence from College Housing Assignments.” (with Jae-Eun Kim).